Lots of photos to share. Enjoy!
Cards blog recently challenged to create Easter cards. I thought this was inspirational and fun...{Love this set of paper from K&Company)

Last Friday Mikayla had a birthday celebration at Ozzy's for a classmate. Alexis was having a blast playing with the toy phone....she was talking a mile a minute and the arms were moving all around! I even had to get my cell phone out and talk to her...it was fun.
I made Mikayla stop for 30 seconds to get a photo...she was having a blast climbing all over with her friends.
Two Sunday's ago the cherub choir had their debut in church. This is a group of 4 to 7 year olds (five of them right now). I really thought I was in perfect position for the perfect shot....it didn't really work out that way as you can see. Mikayla is right aside of the piano so you can only see the top of her head...

As you can see little Miss Alexis was not full of smiles....
I think Mikayla was more excited about wearing her beautiful dress then she was about singing. She is such a princess in the dress!
After the first Wednesday service in Lent, Casey disappeared and went to talk to the Music director, Gloria. Casey wanted to sing a solo in church {we have no idea where she gets this from}. Gloria thought it was a great idea and they practice for a few weeks and Casey sang her solo on the last Lent service. She really enjoyed it, so I think she'll be doing solos in church more regular.
I had some fun taking some soccer photos at Casey's game on Saturday.

This was my favorite of the day...love the action in this shot! She looks like a pro!
This past Sunday our church held their Easter egg hunt for the kids. Unfortunately, we only had Alexis and Mikayla with us this week.

Alexis' group only had a small amount of kids, so they all had loads of eggs.
The story behind the laugh....Kiara {one of the teenagers} was trying to tell Alexis to look under the bush to get the prize egg {see the orange egg just above her right hand, under the bush}. Alexis had no idea what Kiara was trying to tell her, she just kept laughing and looking over at Kiara. It was so funny!

I'm not one of those crazy mom's who leads my kid right to the prize egg {that is really a pet peeve of mine, I can't believe some parents think it's that big of a deal!} We didn't have any crazy mom's at this hunt, thank goodness.
Another favorite....
Morgan ended up finding that orange prize egg under the bush, but she already had a prize egg so she got to share with a friend. Morgan shared it with Alexis (too sweet)!

You always have the best photos!
Happy Easter, I love teh lord is your shepard one, so fun!!
Everything is SO cute! :)
Super cute cards! And OMG, your little girls are absolutely gorgeous!! You're a lucky mommy!
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