just some fun pictures after church one Sunday....
my littlest angel, Alexis....what a personality she has...she is so quirky and silly, but she can be tough and very strong willed

she loves to have her picture taken...doesn't really like to color...likes to draw {a little}....loves to play with toy animals....loves shoes {especially ones she can slip on}....thinks everything is unfair {that's driving me crazy right now}....doesn't like to lose her TV privileges...doesn't like to go to the shop everyday...

likes to make silly faces...loves to drink strawberry milk...loves apple slices with peanut butter {or I should say peanut butter with a few apple slices}....is tall compared to her classmates....

likes to be behind a steering wheel {bikes, scooters, forklift, car, lawnmower, etc.}....not so much into crafts {really hope that changes}...is looking forward to starting soccer for the first time, this Spring....

likes to play games on my cell phone....is not very good about being quiet when daddy is sleeping in the morning....

has her moments when she loves to cuddles....has her moments when she doesn't want to give kisses...likes to chat on the phone....is my little peanut and I love her so much!

and my big girl, Mikayla...loves to help anyone and everyone....is a great leader for her little sister, Alexis....doesn't like that I still give her a bath {says she feels like a baby}....

would wear this style of dress EVERY single day {if I left her}....loves, loves, loves the color pink...loves to learn...is a terrific reader....doesn't empty her book bag like she should....has really outgrown her toddler bed {yes we are on the hunt for the perfect bunk bed set}....

likes to sing in the cherub choir at church....I love my princess, Mikayla....she will always hold a special place in my heart!